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Time & attendance is
your responsibility.
We can help.

Learn about RFID for time & attendance.

Make better decisions.

Has time and attendance become a bigger and bigger challenge in the daily business of your company with increasing legal requirements?
You need a time & attendance solution that is easy for employees, HR managers and IT. It has to be reliable. And it needs to work across all company locations, nationally or globally. Then you should take a look at our guide. It will help you find the best solution for documenting employee time & attendance. Step by step, you'll learn which criteria are important when selecting an RFID reader for attendance tracking. From transponder technologies, configurations and customizing to data security, certification and compliance.

RFID Reader with keyfob, Smartphone and Card

Take the first step now.Deepen your knowledge. Get off to a successful start.

Our guidebook shows the benefits of RFID for time & attendance in a concise and easy-to-understand way. With this knowledge, you can decide which direction to take with your time & attendance solution.

Simply fill out the form above and order the guidebook.


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